
Entry (1/2)1  fanorona (sorona)
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Game
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Karazan-kilalaon-drazana malagasy fampiasan-tsaina atao eo amin' ny fafana izay vakivakin' ny tsipika mifanapatapaka ka amin' ny fiadian' ireny tsipika ireny no ametrahan' ny mpilalao roa tonta ny vatony mitovy isa; misy fanoron-telo, dimy ary ny an-tsivy, izay tena malaza ary fanaon' ny olon-dehibe indrindra [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  The name of a game played on lines and spaces with pebbles, seeds, etc. See sorona. [1.2]
6  Malagasy chess [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  Jeu d'échecs malagasy [1.8]
Examples  8  fa ny fanorona no maty natoko; [2.69]
9  Tokana ny zavatra katsahiny: olona tena mahay fanorona. [2.445]
10  Ary raha fanalana andro fotsiny dia katro sy fanorona no nasaiko novelarina. [2.643]
11  Nouns :
Compound words 
Proverbs  15  Proverbs containing the word fanorona

Entry (2/2)16  Fanorona
Subtitle  17  the National Game of Madagascar.
Part of speech  18  name (book title)
Elementary words  19  fanorona
Author  20  Chauvicourt J.& S.
Publishings  21  , 1984. 44 pages. (translated in English by Leonard Fox). History and rules of the fascinating / International Fanorona Association. 278-A Meeting St, Charleston, SC 29401. Malagasy board game.

Anagrams  22  fanorona, foronana

Updated on 2023/08/12